Photography Upload Portal


Pilots: Click the link below to upload your imagery to our Dropbox Server Space:



Add Your Full Name ( *Not your Company's name* ) and select the Folder on your Computer that contains the files, and upload the Folder.




Note if you're uploading photos from more than 1 property address on the Same Day:



If you're turning in more than 1 job site per day, to keep us from getting confused as to which pictures go with which job....


Please Rename all the Photo Files with the Address of each property they were taken on, on your Computer before uploading.


For Example, rename "DJI_201.DNG" to "3939 Front Street.DNG".


How to do this: On your Computer, select/highlight all files from one address, right-click, click "Rename", and change the name to the property's address. This way we will know which pictures were taken at which address. This is especially important for sites with Interior Pictures.




Please Don't Upload more than 100 Photos per Job!


Unless you're shooting Bracketed Photos (only needed for Twilight jobs or as an option for Interior Photos)..


There is basically never a need to turn in more than 100 photos, even for 20-acre Properties...


A fast-food Taco restaurant doesn't need 100 photos! Take 100 if you like, but then please cull it down to the best shots that cover the Shot List plus maybe 5, 10 or 20 good "alternate" angles of your choice!


An Apartment Complex (especially with Interior photos) or a large 10-20 Acre Shopping Center will need about 60-100 photos to do it right, but usually no more than that. A burger joint might need 35-40 photos.


It slows down our Editors who have to cull through a mountain of unnecessary photos, which increases our per-job costs, increases the amount of time it takes us to work through jobs, and increases the time it takes to get to your job and get you paid...


Help us keep our costs low so we can pass the extra $$ on to you on each job!


Spend a few minutes in FastRawViewer culling down your jobs to make sure you're turning in 100 or less photos (for Small 2-acre Retail sites, 35 to 50 pics is plenty!).


We highly recommend FastRawViewer for culling down large amounts of files. You can learn more about the program here:



Thanks so much for the work you do every day. Your time and talent are truly appreciated! Please let us know if you ever have ideas or suggestions on how we could make the projects easier, safer, faster or more enjoyable.




























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